
Trevor Anderson Photography - View my recent photos on Flickriver

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Sometimes you get home after an outing and upload the photos and you feel like the night was a bust, the whole 4 hours for 4 photos thing.......Then you go back and revisit the folder, and you find stuff like this......

Where there's smoke, There's fire.

Again after work last night, I grabbed my gear and headed out. While leaving town, I noticed smoke billowing in the distance, needless to say I was off to find the source.
Although I never actually found the fire, The drive was nice and I managed to bring home a couple of shots worth sharing. I'll throw in a couple more from the other night to make it a little more exciting.

The following photos are from the other night. A couple are self portraits that I took with a tripod and timer. I had been to this house before, but I had to go back....When I first started seeking abandoned houses, it was very hard for me to take my time inside them. Even after making sure there was no animals living inside, I still found myself rushing, a lot of the times not even bringing the tripod in. Which in low light situations doesn't usually produce good results.
Couple reasons I am uncomfortable.
1: People...I have been in a couple corners where people are grilling me, asking me what I am doing with a camera, what purpose do the photos serve. Once I thought a guy was going to resort to violence, not something I want any part of. Also, 90 percent of the time, someone owns the property you are visiting. This worries me, as I don't know what kind of answer I would come up with if I was ever confronted coming out of the house by its owner.
2: Structural.... I sell toilets for a living, I don't build houses. My eye for structural damage isn't very experienced. Not that big of an issue in the summer, but paramount in the winter. Snow is heavy.
Anyways, here they are and if you want to see more, visit my Flickr page.

And finally one from Hazelwood Lake Conservation Area. See the foot print?? I thought it would add interest to the image. what do you think?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tonight, Tonight

Tonight I got off work and decided to go for a cruise. With no plan in mind, I ended up just driving around the countryside. I checked in on Hazelwood Lake, Drove aimlessly from there, and not really knowing my away around the area, I usually get lost and all turned around, which isn't so frightening anymore since I got my GPS.
Had a good little trip, listened to a lot of good tunes, and really started digging the first Gallows album again!!!

On my way home I stopped down by the elevators and this is what I came up with.

Here's a series dedicated to the upcoming Stanley Cup Playoffs.....

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Some Recent Stuff

Here is one that's a little different from my usual, We were out doing something by the shed after dinner when I put my wine on the toilet(its a 13 litre beast we replaced). Immediately,I went in the house and grabbed my camera and came back out to shoot around 30 shots of this scene,this is the one I chose.

A five gallon pail half full of beer caps in a buddy's garage made for a unique photo opportunity. Oh I wonder how many of those caps are from beers I consumed?

I grew up riding a skateboard, so this is something I love to shoot.
We have some killer talent in Thunder Bay as usual, and the kids down at the marina always seem stoked when the cameras come out. If I can remember right, I was the same way when I was (much) younger.

My better half........ trust me on this.

This is Brands, She is awesome. Always up for an excursion with me and my camera, she is very supportive with my photography, I appreciate this immensely and love her for it!!!!! To the moon and back .....twice!

This is what I mean by being up for an excursion, Look way up at the top of the falls.

Early Morning Early April

Brandi and I went out early Friday morning to the Silver Harbour Conservation Area. We got up at 6:30 a.m. to catch the sunrise, but it was a little too cloudy to really see the sun,I managed to catch some color on the water amidst all the broken up ice thats leaving for the year.....

I love the emptiness of this, a couple of months ago you could walk all the way out to that island. I guess you could try and swim there now.........

Then when we got home, we unlocked and opened the door, and this is what came out of our house........

The First Post

Due to the shitty weather outside, I decided to spend my day creating this page to share my adventures, and I suppose my thoughts, if anyone cares.....

if you dont....